State Business Grants and Loans for Minnesota

 All New!  Lesko's Federal Money Finder For Minnesota state

Minnesota Residents!

 Discover up to 60 government grant sources for small business in Minnesota!  
Access Over 200 Federal Government Programs For Your Business in Minnesota instantly!  

You can apply for $12,000 to start a home-based business or $200 million dollars to build a new office complex. It's the help you always dreamed of from your favorite uncle. You can apply to one program or apply to 100 different programs, including:
  • $750,000 To Start Or Expand A Minnesota Business
  • $10,000,000 in grants and loans For Businesses In Small Towns around Minnesota
  • $150,000 In Down Payment Money To Buy A Ranch in Minnesota
  • $500,000 For Minnesota Woman-Owned And Minority- Owned Businesses To Get Government Contracts
  • $150,000 With A One-Page Application
  • $25,000 For Minnesota Small Businesses
  • $1,000,000 For Minnesota Companies Hurt By Defense Cuts
  • $150,000 In Loans That Require No Collateral
  • $2,400 For Minnesota companies Hiring 18-24-Year-Old Employees
  • $100,000 For Doing Business In Certain Zip Codes
  • $500,000 Grant For Small Businesses To Commercialize Their Ideas
  • $22,000,000 Grant To Minnesota Businesses That Employ People With Disabilities
  • $200,000,000 To Help Minnesota Exporters With Cash Flow Problems
  • $750,000 For A Minnesota Small Business To Fulfill A Contract

Over 300 Programs - Including up to 60 Minnesota Grants

Maybe you already called the Federal government looking for grants for your business and were told they, "don't have grants for business". They may be right that their office does not offer grants for business but that doesn't mean that the Minnesota government doesn't offer grants for business. Depending on Minnesota, I'll show you up to 60 government offices that offer grants to businesses and entrepreneurs, and I can assure you that they are not the offices you've already checked. The government is too big for one office to know what is available in every office. Most don't even know everything that is available in their own office!

You will also receive applications to apply for little-known Minnesota government:

  • low interest loans,
  • venture capital programs
  • free money tax credits.

Plus you get all the contact information for offices in Minnesota that offer:

  • free consultants who will help you get millions of dollars in Minnesota government contracts, and
  • free management consultants that offer free management assistance, marketing advice, legal help, as well as information on how to get more money and more business.


  Who Gets This Money in Minnesota and other places?

Each Year Over 1 Million Businesses and Entrepreneurs Get Grant and Loan Money From The Government AND YOU CAN TOO as a resident of Minnesota. The smartest entrepreneurs in the United States relied on Government money for their business success including:

  • George W. Bush…
    Over $200 million grant to build a stadium for his baseball team
  • Dick Cheney…
    Over $3 billion in government loans and contracts when he was running Halliburton
  • Paul Newman…
    Government grants to sell his salad dressing overseas
  • H. Ross Perot…
    Government contracts worth billions
  • Donald Trump…
    First $1 million deal was with a government property in Cincinnati

Who else gets this money?

Big Companies:

  • AT&T $46,921,000
  • $1,590,000
  • Compaq Computer $187,874,000
  • GTE $26,529,000
  • H.J. Heinz Company $2,625,000
  • Staples $1,500,000
  • Xerox $5,624,000

Small Companies:

  • Aldo's Restaurant $412,500
  • Auntie Anne's Pretzels $135,750
  • Bradley Hills Animal Hospital $253,000
  • Juel's Day Care Center $45,000
  • Petting Zoo $375,000
  • Maggie Moo's Ice Cream $247,500
  • Networking Concepts $37,500

Entrepreneurs and Others

  • Dr. Robert Tuck $55,000
  • Joseph M. Rosenwald, D.D.S. $93,750
  • Dr. Susan G. Amigocki, P.C. $80,000
  • Henry W. Jenkins & Sons, Co.$801,000
  • Jane G. Michaelson, Esq. $65,500
  • John Gutierrez Studios $68,000
You Have A 66% Chance Of Getting The Money From Minnesota

The people who play the state lotteries,, which are also run by the government, have only a one in 1 million chance of getting the money. But, the people who apply to the major federal and Minnesota government money programs for business have a 66% chance of getting the money. Two out of every three people who apply get the money they ask for. WOW!

This Is Not A Scam

I cannot guarantee that each and every purchaser of this product will automatically get money… but I can guarantee that over 1 million businesses a year get this money, including almost all of the Fortune 500 companies. I can also guarantee that in almost every city of the country there are dozens, hundreds and even thousands of businesses taking advantage of this money. I will also guarantee that this is the best, easiest and simplest way ever for any business or entrepreneur to get federal and Minnesota state money. If you don't agree, send it back for a complete 100% refund. That's my personal guarantee.


  Get It From The Best

If you are going to buy a government money product from anyone, get it from the best. Matthew Lesko has spent over 25 years helping Fortune 500 companies as well as thousands of entrepreneurs take advantage of government money programs. He has more credentials on this subject than even the government itself. He has written over 100 books on government money programs. Two of his books have become New York Times Bestsellers. Two received Best Reference Book of the Year Awards from the American Library Association. He has written syndicated columns for the New York Times and Good Housekeeping Magazine, and has been a regular contributor to CNN News, ABC News, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Oprah, Larry King and National Public Radio. Get it from the best. Get it from the person who really knows.

York Times…"The vast reservoir of information is why Matthew Lesko is a success."
Wall Street Journal…."His knowledge helps him find answers in unlikely places."
Washington Post…. "The guru of government giveaways."
USA Today…"Matthew Lesko is becoming the Federal Government's best advance man since Uncle Sam."
Chicago Sun Times
…"Knows more about government than most of its high-level executives."

For Only $39.95 You Get:

  • Complete descriptions of the 200+ federal programs
  • Copies of official Government applications to apply for the money
  • Names, addresses and phone numbers of the contact people in Minnesota
  • Listings of the amount of money available
  • Hot links to email addresses and Web sites for each program
  • All you do is fill out the applications and mail them in
  • Lesko's Personal 30-Day Guarantee


Your Minnesota Small Business Can't Afford Not To Know what the Federal and Minnesota governments will grant and loan you!

Order the E-Book Download of Lesko's "Federal Money Finder For Business" for Minnesota for only $39.95 Today! Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed! Free Adobe Reader Required


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