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Personal Grant Money For A New Career


Free Money To Quit Your Job By Matthew Lesko



Each Year Over 1,000,000 get government money to start or expand a business like:

  •  $1,000,000 To Quit Your Job To Be Your Own Boss
  • $150,000 To Quit Your Job  business grant to start a coffee shop
  • $30,000 To Quit Your Job  to start a craft business in your home
  • $2,000,000 grant or loan to be a real estate housing expert
  • $65,000 To Quit Your Job  to open a hair salon
  • $50,000 To Quit Your Job  to export cowboy boots to France
  • $10,000 To Quit Your Job  to become a skate board distributor
  • $200,000 To Quit Your Job  for your landscaping business
  • $300,000 To Quit Your Job  to sell art to the government
  • $100,000 To Quit Your Job  to be a freelancer working at home
  • $80,000 To Quit Your Job

50 Million People are Eligible for Government Grants and Help But don't apply:


It is understandable that most people do not know about all government money programs. I do not even know about every government money program available and I have been studying these programs for over 25 years. But what should surprise you, because it surprised the heck out of me, is that there are millions of Americans who are eligible to call the government today and get thousands of dollars from some of the government’s basic programs. For example:



  • 4 Million Seniors can receive up to $1,000 from Medicare but don't apply because they are unaware of the program

  • 6 Million Families are missing out on free health insurance for their kids

  • 10 Million Families can get up to $4,000 a year for groceries but do not apply

  • 800,000 College Students can receive grants up to $4,050 but do not apply

  • Single Moms can receive some of the $673 million in collected unclaimed child support payments

  • 29 Million Seniors do not know they can get colonoscopies, bone mass measurement, prostate cancer and glaucoma tests paid for by Medicare

Even Millionaires Are Eligible

Everyone is eligible for government money programs. I continue to use these programs for myself and my entire family. The rich and famous use these programs for their success. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, H. Ross Perot, Federal Express, and Nike shoes have all used these programs. These programs are for everyone who lives in this great democracy. You just have to know where to go to take advantage of them


Questions? Lesko Has the answers.

Here are a few helpful articles


New York Times Best Selling Author, Matthew Lesko
He has 25 years of experience educating everyone from Fortune 500 companies to average taxpayers about government money programs. Two of his books have been on the New York Times Best Seller Lists. Two have received awards from the American Library Association. He has written over 100 books on the subject. He has written syndicated columns for The New York Times and Good Housekeeping Magazine and has been a regular on hundreds of TV talk shows including Larry King, The Today Show, Jay Leno's Tonight Show, Letterman and Oprah.


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