Government Giveaways For Small Business
Discover over 1,000's of Sources of
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Small Business Grants, Government Loans,
Help and Information To Start Or Expand Your Business.
A must for small business grants and loans
Each year over 1 million entrepreneurs get free money, Business grants and loans from the government to start or expand a business. Learn how to get government business grants, loans, loan guarantees, and government contracts. As well as how to get free management consulting help, free help to prepare a business plan, free help with your invention, free marketing help, free legal help, free technical help and even free tax help. H. Ross Perot, Donald Trump, Paul Newman, and even Nike Shoes used government money to help their businesses and you should too.
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- how to make big money getting government business contracts
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Money For Entrepreneurs Is Now Part Of The Government Money Club.
Over 17,000 Programs... Hours of "How To" videos, Examples of approved Free Money applications ($50 value alone), Live Librarians to help point you to specific programs plus Lesko Live seminars are now available with the click of a mouse. No additional money is required. New programs arrive everyday.